California Dental Insurance, California Medi-Cal
“Kids need dental insurance help to meet the California Medi-Cal Share of Cost programs find help!”
Families and individuals on Medi-Cal who receive cash assistance through CalWORKs or SSI may not be required to pay a share of cost. We have dental plans to help you meet your threshold requirements.
If you do not understand how this work here is the basics but keep in mind it may change without notice. The cost is generally calculated on a monthly basis by deducting a set “maintenance need level” from your net income commonly understood as that portion you have to spend after taxes.
Thus, the share of cost equals your net income minus the maintenance need which is an amount allocated for her living expenses. . We hope that makes sense. If not, please contact us.
Keep in mind some Medi-Cal beneficiaries do not get free aid, but instead are required to pay or incur a certain amount of medical expenses each month before the assistance kicks in.
You can elect to buy dental insurance as part of your medical health care bills and this may help meet the threshold or your obligation and qualify you for assistance.